Sunday, September 13, 2009

Summer Lull

Stuck in the sand, so comforting,
never want to move.
But it's getting so warm here.
The waves call me
You draw out my feet,
step, step, step.
I came to the waters edge,
didn't catch the waves,
the waves caught me.
Drift, drift, drift
Just let the waves,
take you out to sea.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Chubby little tan man on the beach,
you look like budda.
You never seem to
or move.
Are you truely a statue?
Could your heart be made of stone?

Friday, September 4, 2009

Let's Loiter Till Morning

Eyes are starting to close
but i'm not ready to call today over.
Everyone together in the car
and ohh the static on the radio
can't stop us from singing along
with our favorite songs.

As the miles roll by we start to believe
that it can stay this way forever.
Don't take me home,
understand you're all that keeps me going.
Let's loiter till morning.

Thank you for making the worst of times
the best I ever had.

Sailors Prayer

Gotta continue down this path
set the corse for straight ahead
no turning back.
A thick fog surrounds,
my sight is clouded.

But i don't need to see where You're taking me
I'll see it when i get there
until then, here's the stern
Lord keep me from the cliffs and waves
and take me the that white shore.

Now the wind is in my sails
Time to go.

A Change of Heart

Who was it that said
"people never change"?
Someone who should be pitied
To not be able
to see hearts change
to see people grow,
to learn to love
to forget their hate.
I wonder if the one who said it,
ever changed his mind.

For Sale By Owner

We came between ourselfs
How did it begin? I don't remember
Did nothing yet did everything wrong
Will we be able to work this out?
I can't see it now

Want to see you, keep you safe
want to help you through this
But its not my place

I can hold you yes, whipe away your tears
but in the end only He can fix you
So i step back, hand you to Him
Say a prayer and let go
hoping you will find your way back to me.

I know you're in good hands
Lord i'm letting go.

On Schedule

Things never go as planned
I tried to improvise
rushed forward too soon,
to try and fix the lie
Thank you for understanding
Just wait, we can make it still
Just keep running forward
On this pre-paved path.

Love Before First Sight

Happened so perfectly, lost my breath when
you took my hand and we began
our never-ending dance.

Take the lead, I'll follow your feet.
Music in the background,
never straying from the beat.

Sway with me
It's the first and final dance.

Storage Room

Thoughts unravel like a present,
secret and harsh is the surprise.
Stare at them and wonder if
I really imagined this.
Bursting open at the seams,
boxes fall off their shelves.
Can't be put back up now that they've fallen,
a mirror of myself.
Looking up to the heavens thinking that
i'll never clean up this mess.
Gaze back down to where they've fallen,
they've been picked back up again.
Someone cleaned up my mess
and is now standing with arms open wide.
Day meets up with the night
Head hits the pillow, so tired, wanna close my eyes
but my mind starts spinning round and round
thoughts on overload,
sit up, turn back on the lights.
Paper remembers what you write
so brush your teeth, write a song and go to sleep.

Sudden Turn

I was singing, you were laughing
driving down the roads we know so well.
Every moment, something new,
it seemed like we had always known this serenity.
So strange the way the seasons
change so frantically.

It was sunset then, but now the moon is out.
Hope we take the time to untangle this mess
You poor thing, lost child in a labyrinth
I can't find the way out for you,
you have to find it,
or you'll be more lost than when this began.
I'll help you with what I can, wish I could do more,
but it's not my place to find you in this maze,
it's His.

All the while, the world is the same,
it's only us who know, anything has changed.